2 new animations. Not on NG yet. (for other reasons)
1 is about Darksouls
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxpwABDCxOU&featu re=youtu.be
1 is about the harlem shake (too short for NG hur hur)
Darksouls one is not on NG yet because I am gonna try to get it into its native flash format. Also I am gonna add something to the end so its not "TOO SHORT FOR NEWGROUNDSSZZZ 0/5" faggotory.
Probably gonna come out ... next week? Lets just hope its not as long as bethseedas PS3 port of the skyrim DLC.
So yeah! Thats what I made this week!
Harlem shake is so dumb, I'm glad someone finally rebelled against the idiocy. Thank you veselekov!
I cringed when I saw the Simpsons had made one. Its just another stupid forced meme trying to be 'this years gangam style'.